So I've been back home in Nottingham for about 3 weeks now and yesterday I went to the CQ pop up shop in the lace market to go and see my old boss' with there sneinton collectives spot and its brilliant!
The pop up shop has a bit of everything in there, it is really a great place to go to find some quirky items for yourself or as Christmas presents!
This is the layout of the sneinton collective pop-up space. As you can see its not just clothing, there is iron work, wood work, jewellery designing and concrete work if i remember correctly. I was lucky to do work experience with One BC last year and now I'm home I will be going in to help with the pop up shop hopefully.
As you can see the space is quite large and there are a lot of other areas like this all around the shop with fun and exciting pieces.
Below is one of my Instagram picture, (I'm instamad!) of my lovely day looking around the CQ and having a huge catch up with Reeta (OneBC owner).
As you can see there are ties, card wallets, purses, fur scarves, jackets, dresses, shirts, suits, everything. All of the stock is high quality material and it is all hand made one-off garments.
My favourite was the sheepskin scarf! It was so so fluffy and it was so snug, perfect for a winters night. But in saying that I also love love love all the different jackets and dresses that One BC make. Below you can see the back of a jacket which is made out of sari's. It is a really modern take on wearing a sari and I think that its stylish and anyone can wear it. Plus pink is my favourite colour so that me sold sold sold!
So this is the front and back of the sari jacket which is stylishly being worn over a metallic dress which I think really brings out the gold of the sari jacket. What I like about this is that it has so much colour and style to it. It feels lovely and on the inside the lining is beautiful and soft and I just wanted to take it off the mannequin, actually i wanted to take everything new that I hadn't seen and tried on before of the mannequin's!! I actually did take the scarf of the mannequin, I'm terrible I know!
To carry on with the Sari garments I thought that i would show you the males sari shirt. Yes that shirt is made out of a sari. Crazy I know, doesn't look like one at all!
In the cabinet you can see there are more styles of men's shirts and zip/lace trousers... They are TOTES AWESOME!
OK OK OK while I'm talking about AMAZ things, can you see that red jacket? Yeah... well this isn't a plain and boring jacket nope not at all, this jacket is mad out of red pony hair an leather. It looks and feels AMAZING! I tend to just stand and stroke it. I try and get customers over just so I can stroke it and have an excuse. Seriously it is amazing!
Oh and have you seen that dress? lace, hood, black, little, dress.... what more do you want?
Oh yeah, there is also one that has a cow neck. Oh and if that's not good enough or not quite how you like it, you can place an order to be fitted for a dress in any colour and style you want.
Don't let me forget about the men though because there is plenty for them! Loads of different styles of shirts. - Zip collar? Lace? or just plain there will be a style for you. Plus there are seriously cool pin-up ties as you can glimpse in the far left shirt. Or there is the lace and silk tie on the far right with the tailored suit jacket which has metallic petrol blue leather on the pockets.
There really is something for everyone here no matter your style.
So if your around in Nottingham this December and fancy popping in and looking around get to Fletcher Gate and visit the CQ pop up shop.
Melanie Katelin