Divergent is based around the story of Tris (Shailene Woodley) and Four (Theo James), Tris has her test and finds out that she is 'divergent' and does not comply to only one faction meaning she does not fit into their society.
When Tris joins the Dauntless faction, she meets Four who is to be the new recruits mentor and guide them through their training. Tris is one of the weakest and she has to work her way up the ranks to keep in dauntless otherwise she will be made 'factionless'.
You find out that Four is also 'Divergent' when he trains Tris on how to pass the mental test. You find out that Four has four fears, hence his name, and he shows Tris how a dauntless' mind would conform to their fears.
Tris and Four also have to find out what Erudite is upto within Dauntless before people are harmed and in serious danger.
They have to help stop a massacre of innocent Abnegation people and help stop Dauntless from becoming murderers.