Friday 4 April 2014

a picture tells 1000 words...

They say a picture tell 1000 words, so what does this tell? 

I came across this image by simply typing into google 'fairytale fashion shoots'. 

I think that this image shows the divides between society as well as it being a beautiful fashion shoot to show the beauty and contrast of this white dress and this dull shabby environment. 

So what is it that I can see in this image?

This images provokes the thought of how people pretend to be someone and something that they aren't. People dress and show as much outer beauty as they can to hide what is really going on with them. 
Although she is dressed in a beautiful dress, she looks lost and upset sat on that window. Everything around her is breaking down, it looks broken. 

why is she sad?
why is she surrounded by burnt broken dull walls?
what does the dress say about her? 
is it pure because its white? 
is it status?
what is her posture saying? 

Images can show you so much but it just depends on how you read that visual. 

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