Monday 8 April 2013


So so so so so so so so so excited and happy that some of my closest friends are home for the holidays YAYYYYY!!! 

My friend Lowri is up from London for 2 weeks! YAYYYYY, she is doing so well down there but we can only see each other in the holidays and we have planned to do loads of things!

I must admit we do snap chat A LOT! Which is funny and text all the time to find out how we are and how things are going. She is always sending me videos of the fun and interesting things that she sees out and about in London and I get a lot of her singing! I am so proud that she has gone and she is following her dream, ever since I have known her she has always dreamed of doing musical theatre in London and she got in last year. Unfortunately at that point we weren't really talking, but in a horrible/great way it is so so so good that we weren't because now we have made up and see each other all the time that it is amazing as we have never been as close as we are now!

We have planned to go to the cinemas tomorrow and town soon which will be so much fun!! And I will be going to visit her in London soon too!! 

I am also currently at my old neighbours house who are more like family than friends!! They have come up for the holidays from Cornwall which is great and we are just chilling and chatting and catching up and I have become a 12 year old and I am having play fights!! CHILD TIME!!!! We may be going to the park or to sherwood pines which isn't far although it is FREEZING!! But it will be fun. 

So this is totally what holidays are for! To have fun with friends and family and go out and and I don't know but EVERYTHING!! Yay yay Love Love Love holidays!!!!

Melanie Katelin

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